Friday, 20 July 2018

Halina Frąckowiak - 'Serca Gwiazd'.

Halina Frąckowiak - 'Serca Gwiazd', en: 'Hearts of the Stars'.


Na niebo spojrzyj na samotność gwiazd,
W bezdenną noc bez dnia.
Czy gwiazdy wiedzą co to lęk,
Czy gwiazdy znają strach?

Serca gwiazd - twardy lód.
Pod żarem schowany szklany chłód.
Serca gwiazd - twardy lód,
Pod złotym morzem ognia,
Lęk się czai, tak jak zbrodnia
Serca gwiazd - diament, szron,
Świeć gwiazdo samotna, blask swój chroń,
Chroń swój chłód - dobrze wiesz,
Że miłość znaczy śmierć.

Tak łatwo spłonąć od kłamstw,
Tak łatwo spłonąć od prawd,
Lecz najokrutniej jest żyć
Z samotnym sercem gwiazd.

Tak łatwo spłonąć od słów,
Tak łatwo spłonąć od łez,
Chciałam ocalić swój chłód,
Samotnie znaleźć kres.
Look at the sky, alone stars,
Depthless night without a day,
Do stars know what is fear,
Do stars experience scare?

Hearts of stars - the hard ice,
Under heat, glassy cold.
Hearts of stars - the hard ice,
Under fiery golden sea,
Fear skulks as a crime
Hearts of stars - diamond, frost,
Shine a lonely star, glow protect,
Protect your cold - you know well,
That love means death.

So easy to burn from lies,
So easy to burn from truths,
But most mercilles is living
With stars' lonely heart.

So easy to burn from words,
So easy to burn from tears,
Wished protect my cold,
Alone find my end.


Learning to live means, in large part, learning to die; Nothing measures our lives so firmly as our readiness to let go of them; He who has learned how to die has unlearned how to be a slave; To learn how to die, we must learn how to live. -- Zen Buddhism Wisdom.

Is it worth to live without love?

Is it worth to risk life for love?

What is freedom?


... i think stars of the Art fight and are brave, not afraid to risk their lives for love and style, otherwise they would not be stars.

... as one takes risks, one experiences fear - but stars are brave to fight against the fear anyway - that what courage is, that's how fearlessness is developed.

... but careless and unwanted romances are risk, so the stars are very cold to the most.

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