Monday, 19 March 2018

Bruce Lee's 'Enter the Dragon' - Mirror Room.

It's the Buddhist Philosophy that one should see beyond Veils, beyond Illusions, beyond Self-Deception to see how things really are, to emerge victorious in pursuit of Wisdom & Enlightenment.

Martial Arts are intertwined with Buddhism, as well.

It's Martial Arts Philosophy that one should look in Mirror for competition, as goal of Martial Arts is to win against one's own weaknessess, to become a better person.

But this part of the Bruce Lee's 'Enter the Dragon' film goes even further beyond - enemy often is seen as more powerful than he or she is, hiding his or her weaknessess beyond intimidating images. As one destroys such images, one can break the enemy - knowing oneself, as well as enemy's strengths & weaknessess can prepare for the fight. That way Wisdom can win against brute strength, as it's better to outthink than to outfight the enemy.

In the end, Bruce Lee turned enemy's weapons against him, his psychological tricks & even spear - crushing him utterly.

Overall beautiful, if bloody scene with the deep philosophical insights.

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