Sunday, 9 September 2018

Go Rin No Den Setsu.

-=- Legend of the Five Rings. -=-
-=- Collectors Edition, in Polish Language, Hard Cover. -=-

-=- Click for a more, if You wish. -=-

A roleplaying game inspired by Asian Myths & Samurai Legends, including Miyamoto Musashi's 'The Book of Five Rings' (GO RIN NO SHO).

... the best of the best of a polish-language roleplaying games, far above any of competition, in my opinion.

... english wersion is far worse, not so poetic - in my opinion.

Polish translators/editors cared well above a norm, illustrations fine, and play mechanics well thought & nice.

Usually, i prefer english versions of roleplaying games - this edition of L5R is the only exception, and it shines well above a typical poor polish translation attempt.

('Central Pillar of the Temple of the Legend of the Five Rings').

... i can be a very small part of this Pillar, no more, a little dust & mote, inside.
... being a pillar of art-community is extreme emotional effort & a lot of work, anyway - judging by my experience with d&d community efforts & supporting art-work. ;)

... Musashi knelt before Buddha, so it's Spiritual Work, as well.

... but too much i would not survive, i would suicide.

A true work of Art, both Illustratory & Literary.

... this blog's author knows roleplaying games of many types since over 20 years of significial involvement, to the point of creating art pieces that include and describe characters progress and looks.

... from pen & paper sessions, to participation in rpg conventions & LARPs / Live Action Role Playing /, to playing less-known and rare computer games where emphasis is on character interaction and playing internally-consistent roles / mostly: 'Neverwinter Nights 1', server: 'Narfell', currently: 'Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition' /.

... see also if You wish:
> Roleplaying Theory [ ],
> Chea's Journal: [ ],
> How to invest in Art: [ ].

Friday, 20 July 2018

Halina Frąckowiak - 'Serca Gwiazd'.

Halina Frąckowiak - 'Serca Gwiazd', en: 'Hearts of the Stars'.


Na niebo spojrzyj na samotność gwiazd,
W bezdenną noc bez dnia.
Czy gwiazdy wiedzą co to lęk,
Czy gwiazdy znają strach?

Serca gwiazd - twardy lód.
Pod żarem schowany szklany chłód.
Serca gwiazd - twardy lód,
Pod złotym morzem ognia,
Lęk się czai, tak jak zbrodnia
Serca gwiazd - diament, szron,
Świeć gwiazdo samotna, blask swój chroń,
Chroń swój chłód - dobrze wiesz,
Że miłość znaczy śmierć.

Tak łatwo spłonąć od kłamstw,
Tak łatwo spłonąć od prawd,
Lecz najokrutniej jest żyć
Z samotnym sercem gwiazd.

Tak łatwo spłonąć od słów,
Tak łatwo spłonąć od łez,
Chciałam ocalić swój chłód,
Samotnie znaleźć kres.
Look at the sky, alone stars,
Depthless night without a day,
Do stars know what is fear,
Do stars experience scare?

Hearts of stars - the hard ice,
Under heat, glassy cold.
Hearts of stars - the hard ice,
Under fiery golden sea,
Fear skulks as a crime
Hearts of stars - diamond, frost,
Shine a lonely star, glow protect,
Protect your cold - you know well,
That love means death.

So easy to burn from lies,
So easy to burn from truths,
But most mercilles is living
With stars' lonely heart.

So easy to burn from words,
So easy to burn from tears,
Wished protect my cold,
Alone find my end.


Learning to live means, in large part, learning to die; Nothing measures our lives so firmly as our readiness to let go of them; He who has learned how to die has unlearned how to be a slave; To learn how to die, we must learn how to live. -- Zen Buddhism Wisdom.

Is it worth to live without love?

Is it worth to risk life for love?

What is freedom?


... i think stars of the Art fight and are brave, not afraid to risk their lives for love and style, otherwise they would not be stars.

... as one takes risks, one experiences fear - but stars are brave to fight against the fear anyway - that what courage is, that's how fearlessness is developed.

... but careless and unwanted romances are risk, so the stars are very cold to the most.

Friday, 23 March 2018

Baudelaire - 'Meditation'.


Be wise, O my Woe, seek thy grievance to drown,
Thou didst call for the night, and behold it is here,
An atmosphere sombre, envelopes the town,
To some bringing peace and to others a care.

Whilst the manifold souls of the vile multitude,

'Neath the lash of enjoyment, that merciless sway,

Go plucking remorse from the menial brood,

From them far, O my grief, hold my hand, come this way.

Behold how they beckon, those years, long expired,

From Heaven, in faded apparel attired,

How Regret, smiling, foams on the waters like yeast ;

Its arches of slumber the dying sun spreads,
And like a long winding-sheet dragged to the East,
Oh, hearken Beloved, how the Night softly treads !'

-- from Baudelaire's 'Les Fleurs du Mal' / en: 'The Flowers of Evil' /.



From my knowledge & experiences:

Eastern meditation is a tool for reaching Enlightenment, Mind State beyond happiness - but still containing happiness, i should add.

When one engages in the buddhist meditation, one's grieviances drown, transform to state where regrets & despair disappears, replaced by feelings of happiness, love & meaning.

Mind's calmness appears, there's sense of belonging to a Buddhist community, Sangha.

Sangha reaches for those who need help and for those who are motivated to repay with helping others as well.

Shame, remorses & regrets are 'plucked' from one's thoughts & feelings, leaving only neutral memories that these appeared in past.

There's also a critic - as i perceive it - in Baudelaire's poem that regrets are coming from heaven, from catholic upbringing.

But a buddhist meditation of the East has a way, it tempts & seduces like softly-treading night, making these feelings calm down, go to peaceful sleep.

Monday, 19 March 2018

Bruce Lee's 'Enter the Dragon' - Mirror Room.

It's the Buddhist Philosophy that one should see beyond Veils, beyond Illusions, beyond Self-Deception to see how things really are, to emerge victorious in pursuit of Wisdom & Enlightenment.

Martial Arts are intertwined with Buddhism, as well.

It's Martial Arts Philosophy that one should look in Mirror for competition, as goal of Martial Arts is to win against one's own weaknessess, to become a better person.

But this part of the Bruce Lee's 'Enter the Dragon' film goes even further beyond - enemy often is seen as more powerful than he or she is, hiding his or her weaknessess beyond intimidating images. As one destroys such images, one can break the enemy - knowing oneself, as well as enemy's strengths & weaknessess can prepare for the fight. That way Wisdom can win against brute strength, as it's better to outthink than to outfight the enemy.

In the end, Bruce Lee turned enemy's weapons against him, his psychological tricks & even spear - crushing him utterly.

Overall beautiful, if bloody scene with the deep philosophical insights.

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

'Nitescence', a Rare English-French word for 'Glow'.

-=- 'Nitescence' Paint by Nerialka. -=-


Can Artist's attitude influence perceptions of the Art work?

i know it's true, when i was in deep life's crisis, when family matters & mental ilness made me depressed - my friend Nerialka supported me enough to recover, to not suicide.

She cared for me with nice words, with good advice, manners without fault & friendly attitude for about a year.

We talked via internet, she's from France, i live in Poland.

This was enough for me to recover, to get out of my home, to seek life's meaning in Buddhism.

i worked hard, Professionally as a Computer Programmer / Analyst for about 5 years then had another crisis.

i felt i should repay my karmic-debt at least a little before i suicide, so i bought two of her paints - 'Nitescence' & 'Analysis Complete'.

More of meditation followed, i brought to the Stupa House Buddhist Center in Warsaw - asking if there's place for this Beautiful Art.

Unfortunately Buddhist Centers accept only Holy Thangka Art, yet Artist & Teacher Rafał Olech praised this Art Paint.

... i think that my 'Nitescence' Paint was blessed by Buddhist Center, and that Buddhist Center was blessed by Paint's presence as well.

... but perhaps it was too impolite to offer Paint to a Holy Place without Artist's acknowledgement ... i was hinted that in the Buddhist Center.

Then more of meditation followed, i gained hope to carry on - and soon i should be working again, as a Mental Health Assistant, this time. i finished a 240-hours course & got diploma for that.

... so the Artist, Nerialka represents something - i think she's compassionate, modest, nice, quiet & altruistic person, at least.

What about Art's work, the 'Nitescence' paint?

i think it has great style, it makes me think about painful purifications that lead to Liberation - like a toxic tear that leaves the beautiful eye.

i love the imaginary runes, mysterious touch in this art ... as well as a nice colours choice.

i love art with feminite eyes as well, i think it's beautiful & deep to praise perceptions, women's gentleness & perfection that way.

... perhaps i am a little biased in Artist's choice, but when Artist is worthy - this naturally occurs.

... this Art ... 'Liberation from Loneliness', is it worth to meditate?

... is it worth to live without Nerialka?

... i think not - even that i love a buddhist woman more than Nerialka - it still matters.

... a quiet friendship at a distance is best often, not only in my case.

... i think it's better to be close in mind, in mind-state, than rape beautiful women with too close body proximity without loving mind, without loving eyes.

... there's the difference between 'feeling love', and 'loving truly', 'fighting for love', i believe, think, and feel.

Interlingual Word-Plays.

i Zmrok.
and Nightfall.
et se transforme en nuit.
Zmrok i blask.Nightfall and glow.Tombée de la nuit et lueur.

I.Z.M.R.: Isabelle Meuriot.
/ read as: IZabelle MeuRiot /.


... i started to understand that in Arts, not only products matter.

... i think that true art should be free, materialism is not truth ... but i think there are Professionals who are True Artists as well, especially if it's only the Art that they can do for Living - spirituality & ethics also matter in that respect.

... it also matters what Artists represents.

... every Artist should also be a work of Art, both internally & externally.

... nice & modest Artists are likeable, especially if they can look & dress appropriately to an occasion.

... there's a lot of talk such as: 'this artist has great works, but as a human he's among rabble'.

... in Sciences, results of work count the most, people disregard bad looks or odd behaviours - as the Science too often is a trap that narrows mind, that makes one's life painful - contrary to the popular opinion, i think. Intelligence & Mathematics is not yet Wisdom, Good Style & Rewarding Life.

... i think Sciences are best combined with Arts, we Scientists do need Art's gentleness, style & mind-opening wisdom to succeed in Love & Life.

... i wish to be an Art Critic, with Loving Eyes - focusing on what's best among Artists & their works, praising for excellence, ignoring the rest.

... i wish to be modest, nice, spiritually & ethically developed, to look appropriately as well.